Monday, February 15, 2016

In memory of my dad

    It's been quite some time since I have written a blog, mainly because I wanted it to be special and have had trouble finding the right words to honor the person who gave me my love of animals and is the reason I am where I am today, my father Bob. 
    Anyone who knows my parents knows I did not get my love and obsession for animals from my mom.  It's not that she doesn't like animals, but it is my father who passed his love of animals on to me.  It's funny how you inherit certain characteristics from your parents.  My first and only pet as a child was our German Shepherd Princess.  She was a great dog who my parents had before I was even born.  I remember my dad and I taking her to the vacant lot down the street from our home in Rhode Island and letting her run free.  One memory that stands out is when she ran past me full speed slowing down just long enough to lick my whole face and then continued running without missing a beat.  She passed away when I was 8.  I still miss her.
     As an adult I have had several pets and as soon as my dad walked in the door, my animals would gravitate towards him.  He barely had time to sit on the couch before one or more were on his lap.  These were his "grandkids".  I believe animals have a sixth sense about people and they knew my dad was a good, caring man.
      My dad passed away on August 22, 2015.  When he was ill, I would bring my dogs over to visit him and sometimes put them on the bed with him.  He loved that and it always made him smile.  I know if he were still here he would be pet sitting with me.  I was very blessed to have such a warm, compassionate, caring father; the greatest man I've ever known.  I love you daddy.